Goth Pelago

Spanning the shimmering Veiled Sea in Pangaeica’s southwest, this massive flotilla of ramshackle refscraper barges and shipyards comprises the outlaw nightport of Goth Pelago. From a distance, its makeshift skyline of rusting metal habitats and neon rig lights almost resembles a bizarre manmade reef formation. Goth Pelago began as a small offshore pirate haven over …

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Situated along the temperate Jade Shores, Cosmopol was originally founded as a cosmopolitan trade and cultural melting pot drawing in inhabitants from all corners of Pangaeica. Its diverse origins stem from being a neutral demilitarized zone between the warring Mandari nation-states that previously controlled the region.


A grim, smog-blanketed hive centered around ultra-dense industrial recycling and neurotoxin refinement facilities on the harsh Brimstone Barrens.

Neon Zanadu

Rising from the techno-opulent Prismatic Valley, this glittering utopiacenter is a showcase of the pinnacles of corporatist cybernetic augmentation and virtual transcendence.

Lasarra Magna

The oldest still-inhabited city on the continent, rebuilt and expanded over the cyclopean ruins of a former Mandari capital with its roots dating back over 10,000 years.

Phosphorus City

An artificial island metropolis constructed in the radiant Spire Sea off Pangaeica’s east coast, its infrastructure powered by harnessing the sea’s native electroluminescent energy reserves.